Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An Actual Conversation Held With the Georgia Department of Environmental Health

GDEH: Georgiadepartmentofenvironmentalhealthhowmayihelpyou?
Me: Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to someone who could tell me how to dispose of some Formaldehyde?
GDEH: Some what?
Me: For-mal-da-hide
GDEH: Uhm, hold on...

I guess I just thought the Georgia Department of Environmental Health would recognize the word "Formaldehyde." This was after trolling the infuriatingly convoluted Georgia.gov website to no avail. I hereby give up on governmental entities.


Katie said...

Is a library a government entity?
You have started a real philisophical debate here. At least we KNOW what formaldahyde is and how to dispose of it. You can call Hazmat and have them pick it up. You fill out a form to tell them the concentration so they know what they have. Most companies will come pick it up for a fee, but you have to properly package it for them Have you tried googling hazardous materials disposal Georgia for a private company? They are probably going to be quicker than the government.
Good Luck
Your librarian seester.

Unknown said...

That's funny- Georgia Department of Environmental Health told me to pour it down the drain.

Holley T said...

that hardly seems right...