Tuesday, December 18, 2007

An Actual Conversation Held With the Georgia Department of Environmental Health

GDEH: Georgiadepartmentofenvironmentalhealthhowmayihelpyou?
Me: Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to someone who could tell me how to dispose of some Formaldehyde?
GDEH: Some what?
Me: For-mal-da-hide
GDEH: Uhm, hold on...

I guess I just thought the Georgia Department of Environmental Health would recognize the word "Formaldehyde." This was after trolling the infuriatingly convoluted Georgia.gov website to no avail. I hereby give up on governmental entities.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Well, here it is, my first solo Christmas Tree!! It needs a little in the ornament department, but I suppose I will accrue these over the years. I wish I could keep it up all year round... it does make a nice focal point.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pics from Cagle's Dairy

Here are a few pics from our trip to the Cagle Dairy Farm in Canton, GA. A good time was had by all even though we were all sweating about 5 minutes into it. When the weather cools off just a bit more the Moellering/Hubbard clan plans to take a trip up to scenic Jasper, GA for a ride on a "funicular" (look it up): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funicular

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Reader's Advisory Challenge: My Selections

I just love October and since I don't have an exam to study for any more, what better time to pick a few books to scare the crap out of myself with? The following are my 4 selections for the Emmet O'Neal Library Nightmare on Oak Street Readers' Advisory Challenge:

1. Something Wicked This Way Comes, Ray Bradbury
2. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, Edgar Allan Poe
3. Faust, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
4. Salem's Lot, Stephen King

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

And Now Over to Flip with the Weather...

I was watching one of the local news channels the other day and noticed that the weather man's name-- I kid you not-- is Flip Spiceland. That's right Flip Spice Land. I had to wonder to myself if he was going by his Porn Star Name or if, in fact, he is going by his given name. Well, I supposed I heard stranger...

My Happy Place

This is the view from my deck and the lovely bright blue Adirondack chairs I got cheap at Brylane. The weather's been exceptionally nice lately- I can tell FALL is coming! So I will be out there with my coffee enjoying the breeze and the sound of the birds in the next few weeks. And the neighbors shouting at each other.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I want this:

Sorry I can't just show the picture here but it's copyrighted. But it's a fine art print/photo of the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge on the Gulf and I think it's so pretty. And since my apartment already smells like The Beach house in which my family and I spent many a happy summer day before Hurricane Ivan came, I think it would be only too appropriate to hang it in my "dining room" (the 8X8 square of carpet adjacent to the kitchen). It's only a few hundred $'s for a nice-sized framed and matted print.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

File Under: Things to Do Before I Die

After spending 5 years (and many thousands of dollars, but that's another story) overseas and seeing a bit of Europe, and meeting many people, especially Irish people, who've seen more of the States than I have, I've decided to add to my unofficial list of Things to Do Before I Die: See Every State In the United States. A lofty goal, I admit, but I have years to do it, and I take inspiration from my 5th grade teacher (remember Mr. Rice, Katie? How could you forget him) who had seen every United State! Very impressive and quite a thing to tell my grandchildren, should I have any.
We'll start with the easily-accessible ones: the Southeast, and go from there. And I'm not talking about just driving through, I'm talking about planning a trip, seeing the state, learning about it, etc.
Here are the states I feel that I've already covered in good detail:
Alabama (obviously)
Umm, well that's about it, and I could probably see more of Georgia but let's face it, I only have one lifetime. Besides, I'm about to see more of Georgia in my driving to various job interviews, so I feel OK about that one.
What do you think? Crazy?
Wanna join me?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Dickens Character:

What Dickens Character Are You?

Esther Summerson, from the book Bleak House. You are the nicest person EVER! You have so many friends because you treat everyone with respect. You're also very idealistic and root for the underdog, which is ironic because you're mother is a Lady and super rich. You have many admirers but you don't seem to notice becuase you don't have very high self esteem. You end up marrying the honey of your dreams, Allan Woodcourt, who's a doctor! You go girl!
Take this quiz!

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Mr. Marrionette

That's his name for now, anyway. Doesn't he kick a$$?! I think so. My challenge, for those parties concerned (this includes you, sister dear) is to come up with a name deserving of his most sinister countenance. When I first saw him, I thought "Rasputin," but he was Russian, wasn't he? We need a Slavic name, something like "Vlad." OK, maybe that's Romanian... The point is, names people, suggest some NaMeS!!

And yes, his eyes are PINK! How cool is that?!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

How I spent my Valentine's Day

Getting flowers from a boy, you ask? No, I spent my Valentine's Day doing my very first C-section on a cow!! That's right, along with five other students on the clinical reproduction rotation, we performed a C-section on a cow! I got to block her (so she wouldn't feel what was going on) and close two layers. We named the little boy calf "Val" in honour of his auspicious birth. How d'ya like that?!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

OK, I'll Play

Four jobs I have had in my life:

1. Subway "Sandwich Artist"

2. Library Paige/Peon

3. Vet assistant (soon to be vet!!)

4. Pet sitter

Movies I would watch over and over:

5. A Christmas Story

6. LOTR Trilogy

7. The Bird Cage

8. Monty Python's Holy Grail

Four places you have lived:

9. Birmingham, AL

10. Dublin, Ireland

11. The vet hospital (feels like)

12. ??

Four places you have been on vacation:

13. Rome

14. Disney World

15. Gulf Shores

16. Barcelona

Four of my favorite foods are:

17. Chocolate

18. Coffee (is that a food?)

19. Mom's spaghetti

20. Cheese (esp. Goat Cheese)

*Funny how many of these answers are the same as yours, seester!!

Four places I would rather be right now:

21. Home (yes, it's true)

22. Disney World!!

23. The Bahamas

24. Hangin' out with my sister and the girls

Four friends I think will respond:

25. Doug

26. Theresa

27. Holley

28. I don't think anyone else is aware of my blog...