Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Few More Shots of Boone from Cone Manor

Here are some pictures from a hike I did yesterday starting at Cone Manor off the Blue Ridge Parkway in Blowing Rock.

Cone Manor 5 Mile Hike

Here are some shots of beautiful Boone, NC from the Power Tower, up to which I hiked 2.5 miles (I haven't hiked that far in a while!!) and climbed to the top.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Thoughts on Religion

Not to get too deep (or controversial here, it's just a thought after all) but after having lived in a predominately Catholic country for 5 years, and having lived all the rest of my life in the Bible Belt, where everyone thinks their's is the ONLY religion worth ascribing to, I was wondering to myself the other day: what IF only Catholics get in to heaven? Where do the rest of us God-fearing patriotic American citizens go ; ) ?? Just-Not-Catholic Hell. For those of us who had all the other pre-reqs (God-fearing, church-going, trying to be better, etc, etc), we Just Weren't Catholic. If one were to re-envision Dante's Inferno, it would be the 1st circle of Hell.

There's a sports bar, but all the beer is warm. There's a concert venue with decent acts, but you can only sit in the nose-bleed section. There's a tv but no expanded cable, and internet service but it's infuriatingly slow, and there's always a line. Not Heaven but not the worst place to spend eternity either.

Just a thought.